Arun Bohra, CEO, Arunashi
“Maktub” (It is written) – Paolo Coelho, The Alchemist
Los Angeles based Arun Bohra was destined to design jewelry. He is the eighth generation of a jewelry family from Jaipur, India, that has its roots dating back to 1841, creating exquisite, elaborately detailed pieces for Indian royalty.
Arun draws on the rich heritage of both his family and his culture in creating his own signature line Arunashi. As he describes it, “Being in the jewelry business is as natural to me as breathing”.
Early in his career Arun enjoyed the challenge of finding rare, beautiful gemstones, which laid the foundation for his profound knowledge of the jewelry industry. In 2004, Arun and his wife, Ashita, combined their names, talents and experience to create their own line of jewelry, Arunashi.
The collection fuses the finest technical achievements with opulence and sophistication. Unexpected mediums, highly articulated metal work, and an infusion of color gloriously expressed in rare gems are the signature elements of Arunashi. Arun approaches jewelry as an artform, and each Arunashi piece embodies gemstones of exceptional quality and the finest craftsmanship, weaving together art and fantasy, tradition and innovation, drama and subtlety, bringing a fresh voice to an antique craft.